So, the other day, I was listening to someone complain about how they hate when somebody leaves them hanging during a text message 'conversation.' I thought, 'umm hello, you're texting. Logic should inevitably lead you to the conclusion that the person in question is either in a place where they can't talk and/or are multitasking. Maybe they're even at work or a social gathering of some sort while said 'conversation' is taking place.
That (among other points that I will discuss below) leads me to ask why someone would possibly be offended that the person with whom they are texting isn't returning their texts (which may or may not be tedious and/or annoying anyway lol-hey, I had to put that one out there, we've all experienced what I like to call 'the tedious texter' in some form or another-more on that in my upcoming 'text-iquette' blog post) in the snap of a finger? There also happen to be actual technical and technological components that go into texting, the malfunctions of which can end up affecting the receipt and/or delivery of texts. For instance, the person who's phone you're texting may be on do not disturb (an iPhone function that serves me well with clients in numerous time zones). Their phone could even be, gasp, on the fritz, leaving the message or messages in question undelivered or un-received. Worse yet, (god forbid) life may have intervened in a twisted plot to keep said person from returning your text in some other unforeseen way (double gasp!). Said diabolical texting fiend might even be... wait for it... TALKING TO SOMEONE ELSE while talking with you!!! 'Why, I thought, would anyone possibly be upset or find it to be bad etiquette that someone isn't able to immediately return all of their texts?!?' Sidebar: if you find this to be a continual problem with more than just a few select people with whom you frequently exchange text messages, you might want to consider evaluating your own social-namely your own text-etiquette, or what I like to refer to as text-iquette.
That (among other points that I will discuss below) leads me to ask why someone would possibly be offended that the person with whom they are texting isn't returning their texts (which may or may not be tedious and/or annoying anyway lol-hey, I had to put that one out there, we've all experienced what I like to call 'the tedious texter' in some form or another-more on that in my upcoming 'text-iquette' blog post) in the snap of a finger? There also happen to be actual technical and technological components that go into texting, the malfunctions of which can end up affecting the receipt and/or delivery of texts. For instance, the person who's phone you're texting may be on do not disturb (an iPhone function that serves me well with clients in numerous time zones). Their phone could even be, gasp, on the fritz, leaving the message or messages in question undelivered or un-received. Worse yet, (god forbid) life may have intervened in a twisted plot to keep said person from returning your text in some other unforeseen way (double gasp!). Said diabolical texting fiend might even be... wait for it... TALKING TO SOMEONE ELSE while talking with you!!! 'Why, I thought, would anyone possibly be upset or find it to be bad etiquette that someone isn't able to immediately return all of their texts?!?' Sidebar: if you find this to be a continual problem with more than just a few select people with whom you frequently exchange text messages, you might want to consider evaluating your own social-namely your own text-etiquette, or what I like to refer to as text-iquette.
*This story as well as other life experiences illustrate the fact that different people have different expectations and standards when it comes to texting.
Let's have a conversation about this. Aside from this story being downright silly, it could be the start of a good conversation on texts, texting and text etiquette. Thoughts? Questions? What are your personal text-iquette do' sand don't's?